Proposition 30 Restoration Funds
Recently the college administration informed us that, due to the successful passage of Proposition 30 last November, Allan Hancock College had received $300,000 from the state in “Proposition 30 Restoration Funds.” While different groups on campus are receiving varying amounts, the sum for the Part-Time Faculty is $57,000, or an increase in salary of .88 per cent. This money will be distributed retroactively to last July, and will be placed on the salary schedule beginning July 1, 2013. Since these are regarded as “ongoing funds,” this is an increase in pay that will continue into the future. We are told the first distribution of these funds will be in June. We will share more information as it becomes available, but we did want to let our bargaining unit members know of this (small) increase in pay.
Best Regards,
Mark James Miller, President, Part-Time Faculty Association of Allan Hancock College, CFT Local 6185.